Paparazzi Jewelry Slump
In a Paparazzi Slump?

Are you in a "Paparazzi Slump"? Have you done everything you can do to grow your business to just find that all that hard work hasn't paid off? Here are some suggestions on things you can do / should be doing to grow your Paparazzi Jewelry business.

Click on the ideas below to get a detailed "How To".

If you have not tried all of these things in the last 30 days.....DO IT!!! Success is about finding what works for you. If you keep doing the same things that aren't showing results TRY SOMETHING NEW!!! You need to figure out what the best way to run your business is. If you do FaceBook parties and find that no one buys, why do you keep doing them? Try a basket party instead. Keep working your business in different ways to find out what fits best for you and what gets the most results.