Paparazzi Jewelry Goals

Your success with Paparazzi Accessories, anything really, relies on YOU! You have to be the one that is motivated to get out there and show the world what Paparazzi is all about. You have to be the one that is confident in yourself as well as the product. You are the one that runs your business and you decide where it will take you. Whether you are doing Paparazzi as a fun side job or you want to make this your career, goals will help you stay focused with your business. A lot of the times we get complacent. We just go through the motions. We pack the car up, get to the Hosts home, set up, do the party, pack it all up again, and head home. But if you have a goal in mind, even if it's a small goal, then you will be amazed at how much better things will go! For instance, if you have the goal to talk to at least one person about the Paparazzi business opportunity at one of your parties, it may sound small and it may be intimidating. But if you do it, you will be so proud of yourself! And you might even feel more confident about talking to people about it! I personally had a hard time overcoming this fear! But I set a goal and I am now so confident and comfortable in talking to people! Try it!
I think the first goal you should have in Paparazzi is to become a "DIRECTOR". To become one you need to have 3 personally sponsored consultants that are active (order at least 50 PV's - 25 pieces) in the same month. You also have to be active for that month. A lot of our team members are starting to recruit their own teams so I thought this would help you reach that goal of Director.

Step #1 - SET YOUR GOAL!
What is YOUR goal? Where do you WANT to be? Where do YOU want to take your Paparazzi business? If you want Paparazzi Jewelry to be your main source of income then you will need to advance in ranks. Advancing in ranks is how to achieve residual monthly income. And in order to do that you will need to form your own strong team. I am going to write this article as if you are making the goal of becoming a Paparazzi Director. But you can change it to suit your goal needs.
Once your goal is set, write it down! Make it visible! Somewhere you will see it frequently. My goal is written right above my computer screen. So when I'm at the computer working my Paparazzi business I see it out of the corner of my eye. That helps me stay focused.
Step #2 - MAKE A PLAN!
How are you going to reach Director? What smaller steps do you need to achieve to get there? Here are some helpful steps that will get you that much closer to that goal!
Throw yourself a couple of Launch Parties. Even if you have been a Paparazzi Consultant for a while and have already had a Launch Party, have some more! Have one party during the week and another one during the weekend. This way you will get crowds who are available at different times to be able to attend. Also, look for perfect opportunities to throw parties. For example; Mother's Day, Valentine's day, Christmas, Birthdays, etc.
Hand out invitations, email people, post your event on Face Book...get the word out there! You are selling fabulous $5 jewelry! Everyone should know this! Make sure you have your displays ready. You can go HERE for some ideas.
Set a goal to book at least 2 parties at each of your launch parties. Bring it up at checkout with EACH person. You can do it! Have a big calendar laying out on the table for them to be able to see when you're available and book it right there! Give them an incentive, like, they can pick out a free piece for booking and another free piece at their own party. People love free things!!!
Getting your information out there is extremely important. How else are people going to know that you sell great $5 jewelry? Post regularly about Paparazzi. I like to post humorous cartoons! It catches everyone's attention and it shows that you can have fun with Paparazzi! Tell people of the great parties and events you will be at. And let them all know of the great opportunity Paparazzi is. Have everyone you know (and don't know!) on Face Book "like" your page.
Make a list of 100 people that you know. Don't think about if they would be interested in having a party or becoming a consultant. It doesn't matter. You want EVERYONE to know. I have some helpful documents to help you with your list of 100. Just let me know and I will email them to you. Take the time to fill it out. You will be amazed at just how many people you know! Here are some examples to help you get started: Bank Teller, Teachers, Church, Babysitters, Grocery Store Workers, Hair Salons, Nail Salons, etc. You get the idea! It's important to get out of your comfort zone circle (family, close friends, neighbors...).
Step #3 - GET TO WORK!
Contact your 100 contacts and get some parties going! Wear Paparazzi jewelry and accessories everywhere you go. If people comment on it (and they will!) tell them about the company and what you do. Hand them a business card! Always be "open"! Throw your Launch Parties. Let everyone know of what a great company Paparazzi is. If you don't talk to anyone about it, no one will want to sign up or host a party!
Step #4 - STICK TO IT!
If you are seeing success, keep doing it! There is no need to change something that is working! If you are still having a hard time, go back some steps and reevaluate things. Are you reaching your goal of talking to at least 2 people at the party about Paparazzi? Have you updated your blog or Face Book Page? Could you offer different incentives to those who host or sign up?
You will reach your goal if you work. If you really put your mind and heart into it. I can hardly believe how quickly my business has grown. And I've done it all in baby steps! Just take one rank or goal at a time. There is a whole team on consultants who want to see you succeed. My team is very strong and supportive of each other. We challenge each other to reach our goals. We post our goals and dreams on Face Book so we can get support from others.
As a leader of an awesome, strong, and growing Paparazzi Accessories team of consultants, I feel that I know how to train and get my team to reach their goals. They know that I am there for them. They come to me with questions, ideas, success stories, and even their disappointments. I love helping them. I love seeing my team get passionate about Paparazzi Jewelry. They support me as well. We congratulate each other on each others accomplishments. I feel very close to them. I know that those on my team will go very far with Paparazzi Jewelry in the years to come!
If you would like more information on how to join my strong team of leaders, please contact me!
Debbie Parkin
Paparazzi Independent Consultant # 11156