Paparazzi Basket Parties
What is a basket party?
Here's a great Tutorial Video about Paparazzi Basket Parties!
A basket party is a flexible, "hands off" way to sell your Paparazzi Jewelry. A Paparazzi Independent Consultant gives a hostess everything they need to sell Paparazzi Jewelry and Accessories in a basket, tote, box, etc. You both agree on a timeframe for the basket party. At the end of the basket party, the hostess returns the basket with unsold items and returns the money collected from selling. The hostess also collect the hostess rewards she earned at this time. Items are technically "on-loan" and remain your property. You may want the hostess to sign a Basket Party Agreement form to ensure that they are responsible for any "lost" pieces or baskets not returned.
Why Basket Parties?
If you are low on time and can't fit in regular home parties or events then basket parties are for you! With little overhead costs and little time commitment you can move through inventory that would be otherwise sitting in between shows and events. No need for large displays, you simply need a basket, bag, box, etc. Basket parties showcase a small inventory and gives just a taste of what other jewelry pieces and accessories Paparazzi has. If there is someone thinking about becoming a consultant themselves you can send them a basket party. This will show them how easy/successful they can be selling Paparazzi Jewelry.
How do I approach a potential hostess?
When you are doing an event, show, or home party and ask about booking another party, if you get ANY of these answers, try to follow up with a basket party:
- "I don't really have time to host a party"
- "My friends and family will never come to a party"
- "My house is too small or messy for hosting parties"
People LOVE rewards / free things so start with that! Then follow that with simplicity and listen for cues:
- "You can still earn hosetess rewards! I off basket parties where you earn --- hostess rewards and all you have to do is share the basket with your friends, family, neighbors, et."
- "We make sure that Paparazzi is a great fit before asking you to invest in the business. Hosting a basket party is a great risk-free way to see how well it would do with your friend. Plus, you earn hostess rewards just for hosting!"
I booked a basket what?!
- Pick out your basket! -
There are a lot of options out there but please keep in mind it doesn't have to be expensive or flashy!
Make sure what ever you choose it is easily transported, can hold a fair amount of jewelry, and be strong enough for repeated use.
- Protect yourself and make expectations clear -
Make sure to print and have filled out and signed the Basket Party Agreement form.
- Things to include -
* Inventory *
as much as you can afford to be without if you do other parties during that time
* Something to keep the money together *
an envelope, cash bag, Ziploc bag, etc.
* Bags for purchases *
pre-fill them with your business card and future party info
* Receipts *
not all people use or need receipts but just in case
* Information *
about becoming a Paparazzi Consultant and hosting their own home or basket parties!
Find Success with Basket Parties
The Paparazzi theory of "the more inventory and selection you have, the more you will sell" rings true with basket parties. You want to make sure you have a lot of different colors, styles, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Have both long and short necklaces, stretchy and cuff bracelets, etc. Try to include as many items as you can sensibly fit into your basket. There are a lot of creative ways to arrange the baskets and items.
The hostess is a very important role in your basket party since you will not be there first hand when people look through everything. It has been found that hostesses that tell their friends about how great Paparazzi is BEFORE having a basket party are the parties with the most success. They create a buzz and excitement about the $5 low price and quality and style!
When you give the basket to the hostess take the time to make sure your hostess is excited, feels confident in selling, and has knowledge of the products. Consider giving her the first free hostess reward at this time so that she can wear it when she show the basket to her friends. This generates interest!
Make sure to follow up with a call or text to ask how the party is going. Refill the basket if needed!
Basket Ideas:
Using some creativity you can use just about anything for your Paparazzi Accessories Basket Parties!

Empty oatmeal container with a tie holder for necklaces.

A literal "Basket"!

A cute "Paparazzi-fied" pink 3 - ring binder with money holder inside. Also forms and consultant information, info on future parties, customer snapshots, etc. (photos 1 and 2)
Necklaces on a ring in one box, earrings, bracelets, and rings in another, and the 3rd box hold binder and softer items. (photo 3)
The bag comes from Wal-Mart for about $3 and is very sturdy. Inside the bag are 3 clear plastic bins, about $5 each. (photo 4)
Many THANKS to Michelle Higgins (#19080) for her awesome Basket photos!