How much can I make as a Paparazzi Accessories Consultant?
You can make money 2 different ways when you are a Paparazzi Consultant!
1 - Money made through SALES!
You can make as much as you want by selling! If you need money for groceries, go out and sell!
You pay $2.75 for each piece you buy. You sell those pieces for $5 each for a $2.25 profit of each piece you sell. Put simply, you can earn $225 by selling 100 pieces of jewelry!
There are various Starter Kits you can choose from to start selling with Paparazzi Accessories. For example, the Paparazzi Accessories' Preview Pack costs $99 and has 35 pieces. As a Paparazzi Consultant, you can make a 76% profit after selling these pieces. That means you can get started selling Paparazzi Accessories for $99 and make $76 in profit! (35x $5 retail price = $175, minus the $99 kit cost is $76 profit) Each Starter Kit provides different product quantities and prices so there are other options to choose from as well.
2 - Money made through BUILDING A TEAM!
You earn a commission based off your team sales! In addition, you can also make a bonus every time someone signs up to be on your team.
Visit Paparazzi Compensation Plan to learn more.

This is an example of a Newsletter sent out during the BUSIEST TIME of the YEAR for Paparazzi Independent Consultants!!!
Do you remember when I said that October could get a little crazy? Well, November will be even crazier! People will be buying jewelry like crazy. They will book parties like crazy! They will love Paparazzi like crazy! Do you think I am crazy? Only slightly:)
For the next 6 weeks, you can expect your business to do amazing things if you are out showing the accessories and talking about it to people. Women cannot pass up Paparazzi for Christmas gifts! They are already in the “gift buying mood” and what better reasonably-priced gifts are there then Paparazzi! A beautiful $5 necklace and earring set is perfect.
Want to make some money? Got on the phone and schedule some parties. Call past hostesses, past leads or BUSINESSES where women work. Basket parties and office visits have the potential to be HUGE! Why? Because working women usually have a little more money, less time to go shopping, need to look professional and will be buying presents. If you bring an accessory store to them, they WILL buy!
*Order Early and allow plenty of time for shipping! Because everyone is doing parties, Paparazzi is slammed with big orders everyday. It will take a day or two longer to get your order than usual. PLAN AHEAD and have extra on hand. You never know when someone will drop by your home and buy 20 pieces. You might be surprised when 3 people want to do a basket party the same time as your 2 home parties. DO NOT order after every party. You are wasting valuable time. Last year, I bought 500+pieces every 2 weeks. I wanted the volume discount and I knew it would sell. Not only did I sell more because I had a large variety, but I also made more because I paid less per piece of jewelry due to the show rebate! Boo yeah!
*Remind every person at every party to buy Christmas/holiday presents. If you remind them, they will do it. I’ve been selling more to each person because I talk up the holidays!
*Use your Calendar. Have your calendar front and center when checking people out. They will see that you dates are filling up and will feel like they NEED to book a party right then so someone else doesn’t take the date. When checking people out, say “From now until Christmas is the best time to host a party. People are buying gifts for Christmas and Paparazzi makes amazing gifts. You will have more people come to a party and those people will buy more at parties because Paparazzi makes AMAZING holiday gifts. Who doesn’t love affordable and cute gifts for their friends and family? Does a weeknight or week end work better for you?”
*Have a basket party ready to go all the time. Take one to every party. If the hostess works, she will probably say quite a few people from her work didn’t make it over to the party. Have her take a basket to work for more free jewelry. Also, there may be guests that come though who will take a basket that night.
*Carry a lot of neutrals. People will be buying gifts. Many of them will be “safe” in their choice if they stick with a neutral. Have starlet shimmers in your supplies. Most blockbuster necklaces sell well. Ribbon necklaces, short charm necklaces, long silver w/wired and _____ pearls, wired silver w/ivory peals (p8041), and the short w/ovals rings white/black diamonds have all been great sellers for me. Also, the silver cuffs and wire flower earrings in both colors and styles are a must have!
*STOCK Up! If you haven’t noticed, quite a few of the blockbuster necklaces have already disappeared. If you know you are going to have parties, buy what you can while you can!!! Because they sell so well, some of the necklaces will be gone before the end of the month. I’m hoping the brown and white ribbon necklace, and peach glaze necklace make it back up on the site soon. Buy a large order on every order. Spend $400 and get free shipping!
*HAVE FUN! Parties and events are fun! Relax. Show you have a personality. Be happy. Joke around. Be a real person – not just a salesman. Tell everyone how awesome your parties are and that you will be having a great Christmas with the money you are earning.
If you missed the webinar from Paparazzi, you may have missed that Puerto Rico is open to Paparazzi consultants now. If you have any connections to Puerto Rico spread the word that they can earn money selling this great product! Also, the Paparazzi Accessories website is up in Spanish. Send those who read and speak Spanish to the site. If you need someone who speaks Spanish to answer questions, call Paparazzi Accessories and ask for Amanda. There is also Spanish literature you can print out in your back office on the bottom left hand side.
Where you can sell Paparazzi? Anywhere!!! Women, men, kids, teens, grandmas will buy Paparazzi for the next 7 weeks. It makes perfect gifts. Here are some places you can visit or call (besides home parties) to inquire about sharing Paparazzi.
*Retirement centers
*Assisted Living Centers/nursing homes
*School break rooms
*Doctors offices/dental offices/hospitals
*Anywhere there are a lot of secretaries/office staff
*Women centers
*Salons/beauty schools
*Sporting events
The key is to show the jewelry to people and say the price. You can DO THIS!!!!
I recommend either calling or stopping by a business with a basket of jewelry. Ask for the office manager, activity director or whoever is in charge. And say something like this: “I want to give the women (and men) who work here a great deal on jewelry and accessories. Christmas is coming and it is probably hard for them to do as much shopping as they need. I would only charge $5 plus tax and it would make awesome presents. May I set up ________ (in your break room___________ for a few days/hours?” You will get a few “yes” and a few “no’s”. No worry. It is money in the bank!