Do I Get A Website As A Paparazzi Accessories Consultant?

Do I get my own Paparazzi Accessories Website?


When you become a Paparazzi Consultant you get a FREE replicated site through Paparazzi Accessories! You can look at mine by going here:!

 Your free website will look just like that one. Except with your information on it!

Benefits from this FREE Website:



 ** Customers will be able to go to this FREE website and order from the ENTIRE Paparazzi Catalog anytime they want!





** You can also hold Parties on this site and earn your Hostesses free jewelry!






** Those that are interested in joining your Paparazzi Team can also enroll through this website.


** With a website that works 24/7 for YOU, you make money while you are relaxing, sleeping, shopping, changing diapers, etc!



**Paparazzi's Inventory is ever changing so you will get returning customers in search of the latest trends!


You can look at mine by going here:!

 Your free website will look just like that one. Except with your information on it!


If you would like to have a website like mine (the one that you're on now!) you will need to create one on your own. You can get a free trial of my website company (Shopify) by going here. 


 Debbie Parkin

Independent Consultant #11156

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