I've Joined Paparazzi Jewelry, Now what?

I'm a Paparazzi Consultant....Now What?!!
You did it! You have made the awesome decision and now you are a PAPARAZZI CONSULTANT! Now that you have made that step, let me give you an outline of what you need to do to get started and get your Paparazzi Jewelry business rolling!!!
Log in to your Paparazzi Consultant Back Office. Look through everything and add things to your cart that you think will sell well if you would like more pieces then those that come in the Starter Kit you enrolled with. You can view my list of "What Sells Best" by going here. Make sure you get a wide variety of items. And just because something is not your style doesn't mean it might be someone else's! It could be a little overwhelming or intimidating at first, this is why I usually stress to start out with a larger Starter's Kit ($299 or $499)! With the Starter's Kit, Paparazzi selects your items for you. they make sure you have a great selection of Paparazzi Accessories and Jewelry. It's easier to get started this way.
While you are anxiously waiting for your jewelry to arrive, think about how you will want to display you pieces. You will want to think about how portable are they since you will be taking them to TONS of parties! And also how much jewelry can it hold without it looking too messy. I always suggest to hang one piece (necklace, bracelet, earrings) per hook unless you have more then one of the same style. This way you can make sure that each piece can be seen and it won't look too jumbled. You can find jewelry displays at Arts and Craft stores or you can become creative! A lot of Paparazzi Consultants make their own displays. Check out the Displays page I have here on my site.
Once you have your jewelry, try to resist keeping everything for yourself!!! I found that hard when I first opened the box! Everything was just so stinkin' cute!!!
Go through everything and sort them into colors. Hang the pieces on the displays. I recommend grouping them by color. All the black pieces together, all the gray together, and so on.
Now is the time to let the whole world know of your new and exciting business! Plan to hold your own Launch Party. This is an Open House style of party that is held at your own home. This party is to let everyone and their dog know that you have started selling Paparazzi Jewelry and Accessories! Make sure to tell EVERYONE you know! Even if you think the person won't come or be interested, tell them anyway! You never know if they will be interested or in need of a gift in the future! Invite people through email, FaceBook, Twitter, phone calls, or the good old fashioned invitation on their door! Parties usually should last 2 to 3 hours to make sure people have enough time to stop by.
On the day of the party, put a yard sign out with some balloons attached to it. Paparazzi sells these for a great price. Have your displays out at eye level. Make sure you there is good lighting also. You want the customers be able to see the detail and shimmer of the jewelry! I suggest having little snacks for them to munch on while they marvel at all the awesome $5 stuff!!! I usually have out candy, chocolates, and water.
You will need to have some change. Have a bunch of $10's, $5's, and $1's.
Make signs and hang them by the jewelry saying that everything is $5! Each party I get asked a bunch of times if everything really is only $5! "YES!!! YES, IT ALL IS AND IT IS AWESOME!!!", I say excitedly!! And then they get excited and realize that their dreams have come true...they can afford all the pretty jewelry and accessories they have ever wanted!
It is so fun to see that excitement in all the party attendees.
There is no need for a sales pitch. You just simply sit back, greet the customers as they arrive, reassure people of the great $5 price, and collect the money! Make sure that you book more parties! Have a sign up that says "Book a Party Today and Receive a FREE Piece of Jewelry!" . That will get a bunch of people interested!
Once you have parties booked you just repeat these steps! You just keep it rolling!
Have any Questions? Contact ME!
Debbie Parkin