Hot New $5 Jewelry by Paparazzi

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My Paparazzi Accessories Story

My story about Joining Paparazzi Accessories / Paparazzi Jewelry. My husband has been working the same job since High School. While it does pay well, he has been doing it for 15 years and the industry he is in is on the decline. We were driving on a family vacation and got talking about what else we could do to make more money since his income was, in large part, based on commissions and has been declining. I have been doing another Direct Sales Company and have made some decent money with it and earned us 2 free trips, however it is pretty competitive since there are already so many consultants. So I love the Home party idea and we brain stormed on the drive. We talked about many of the different options out there. I then mentioned something about Paparazzi Accessories. I didn't know anyone that sold Paparazzi Accessories and had never been to a party, but I had seen cars with Paparazzi decals on the back window. We both thought that might be a good one to look into. While on vacation my husband spent some time researching it online, he always has his laptop for his other job, even on vacations!

45% Commissions

What he found out was it was exactly what we were looking for! Not only does Paparazzi Jewelry offer an AmAzInG 45% commission to Paparazzi Consultants on everything you sell, but they have far less restrictions on how and where you can sell Paparazzi products. I love the fact that I can have my own Paparazzi Accessories website and sell my inventory online! Don't get me wrong I love doing Paparazzi Home parties, fairs etc, but a website is great as it's hard at work when I'm doing laundry, cooking, cleaning and even taking a nap! While the jewelry does sell better in person, it is great to have another way to work your business!

"Everything $5" Keeps It Simple!

I love doing the Home Parties as my husband is happy to give a little extra help with watching the kids and tidying up the house while I'm "working". Little does he know how much fun I actually have doing the Paparazzi Parties. Unlike most Direct Sales I don't have a "sales pitch". Real simple, I welcome the guests as the come in and ask them if they have every heard of Paparazzi Jewelry. If not I quickly explain everything is only $5 and have them fill out an entry form for a free piece of jewelry just for coming. After that I just mingle with the guests and answer questions and maybe suggest a bracelet or something that would look nice with something they are looking at or buying.

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About Paparazzi Accessories

The company isn’t just about selling trendy jewelry and accessories. Established in 2011, Paparazzi Accessories' mission is to inspire people to reach their full potential. When people join Paparazzi Accessories, they come ready to take on the world by showing others how to tap into their confidence, feel their best, and make a difference. Paparazzi Accessories is about change and how a little change can ultimately change your life. If that’s not enough, the $5 price tag is the gift that keeps giving and a way for people to explore their style without breaking the bank.